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Property Types A, B, C And D

One of the biggest problems individuals just starting out have is the type of property they look for, and working outside their immediate area. One of the constants around the country and for every state, is that there are the most desirable areas to live and the least desirable; and then those that fall in between.

The most desirable areas are those that everyone wants to live in. They are type A property. We all have those areas in our cities. The Northwest, Southwest, Northeast and Southeast, etc. Obviously our first preference for lease purchase property is the most desirable.

However, what if, like in many areas of the country, those type A properties are getting multiple offers. Are you really going to be able to do a lease purchase with them. Probably not. So what do you do.

Well you move on to the type B, C and D property. Will some of these properties be outside your area, yes, they will; however, like in any business, when your main source is slow, you open yourself up to other areas. This does not mean you work in war zone areas. Lease purchasing is not going to work there.

Type B property is the next area that is most popular. Still in nice neighborhoods, however, not quite as new or as expensive as type A.

Type C and D property are located in blue collar neighborhoods, and the property is older. The difference between C and D is the price and the size. Most type C's are still you're bread and butter property (3 bedroom, 2 bath). Type D are 2 bed, 1-1/2 baths or 2 bed, 1 bath.

Will it take you longer to move type C and D. You bet it will. Will you make less money on the assignment fee? Yup. However, $1000 or $1500 is nothing to sneeze at. Many times there is more of this type of property available, which allows for multiple deals, that can add up very quickly.

So be sure to check out the B, C and D property in your area, so you are ready to work with them if you need to.

For those of you that need concrete examples of types A, B, C, and D properties. In Las Vegas, Green Valley and Henderson were type A areas. The Northwest area further out was type B. The older section of the Northwest and the South was type C, and many areas of North Las Vegas were type D.

In Fresno, the NW and NE areas are type A, with many of the older areas type B. Type C and D are the SW and SE.

Copyright DeFiore Enterprises 2001

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