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FSBO Novel Preface


We are For Sale By Owners, "FSBOs." We spend our time trying to sell ourselves and others on what we are doing or what we want to believe. While knowledge is power, we are often victims of ignorance.

Most of us are outsiders. Outside of the narrow worlds that we occupy, we have only superficial understanding of the way most things really are. We fail to consider how people became like they are. What we see is not all that there is. Look at yourself. Why are you like this? Are you what other people think? Or, are you a lot more? Are you all good, or all bad? I doubt it! I believe we are all the products of the choices we have made. We can make new choices. We must gain knowledge with which we can make better decisions. It is my hope that you will enjoy a good read. In so doing, I pray you will glean some useful information, gain insider's awareness of elements that may affect you, and heed some of the warnings that are integrated in this book.

In FSBOs, evil gains entry when a housewife opens her door to strangers. Each has a personal interest at heart, derivative of individual experience and choices. We will visit some murky worlds that you may never have wanted to see, each owned or possessed by the character who has chosen to live there. While fictional, such lives do exist. The multiple storylines are tied together by a common plight, that of people who set out to sell either who they are or their homes by themselves. The villans are ignorance, greed, power, lust, self-service, and misguided belief systems. It is easy to say that, of such things, we are all victims.

Whether we like it or not, we are each owners of ourselves. Frequently, we are negatively affected by the consequences of our own poor choices. Sometimes, we are victims of the ruthless choices of others. Usually, there were warning signs which we ignored precipitating our tragedies. We went our own way, selling ourselves and others on what we wanted to believe, For Sale By Owners, "FSBOs".

If the proceeding "Preface" appeals to you, you might consider investing in a copy of the novel from which it was extracted.Or, you may read it free online at

If you wish to comment, I encourage you to e-mail me.


Russ Miles is author of the novel, For Sale By Owners:FSBO. A "Seasoned Real Estate NAR® Broker," disabled by Multiple Sclerosis, Russ writes books & articles on varied subjects, poetry and songs. Google russ miles.FOR SALE BY OWNERS:FSBO ISBN 0-595-28703-4,in trade paperback,is available by phone or Internet:1-800-Authors to order direct!Adobe e-book & hard cover editions also available at, at Barnes and Noble, and other fine booksellers.Comments:[Visit]


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