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I Already Have an MLS Listing, Why Do I Need an Internet Ad?

In today's real estate market, astute buyers are also looking to realize savings by dealing directly with the seller. They use internet search engines and keyword sets (Atlanta real estate advertising, Atlanta for sale by owner, Atlanta FSBO) to locate for sale by owner (FSBO) properties on the web. Search engine results will be limited to those websites registered with major search engines and which meet the search criteria. Websites with a meaningful search engine 'rank' will benefit most by being listed at the top of the search results.

Though not necessarily an indication of site quality, search engine rank is a measure of site popularity which offers some indication of site visits. As a result, for sale by owners (FSBO) are encouraged to check a site's search engine rank before listing your property with them. If you want your property to be seen, avoid listing your property with any site not in the top 20 results for any of your keywords sets. The analysis involved is fairly straightforward.

Simply run a search in your search engine of choice (Google, MSN, Yahoo) on relevant keyword sets unique to your property (Atlanta real estate advertising, Atlanta for sale by owner, Atlanta FSBO) and check the results. Depending on the keywords used, the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) and local newspapers [other important considerations] may not be included in the search engine results. For sale by owner (FSBO) homes without an internet presence fail to cover this critical dimension of an effective marketing campaign, which could result in a 'commission free' sell.

Barry M. Milteer,
Home Advancement, LLC


Vendor & Real Estate Partners  Dollar Tree, Inc.

America Builds: Making Federal Real Estate Work for the Taxpayer  The House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure

Godfrey - Home for sale

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