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Home Not Selling In Todays Hot Market? Tips and Ideas to Help You Sell

So, your selling your home. Prepare yourself both physically and mentally for the agony of the endless phone calls and interruptions to your daily schedule. But more importantly, prepare your home for the ever critical eye of each person walking through the door. For it is not their goal to see the good in your home, but to see each and every flaw that has ever been. What can you do as a seller to minimize these flaws and highlight your homes best features? Let's take a look at several reasons why your home may not be selling and some easy-to-do remedies.

Reason #1 - Curb Appeal. Stand across the street and critically evaluate your front yard. Is it weed free? What about the "For Sale" sign? Is it easily visible from the street with current information? Do you have flyers available? Seems small, but this is actually a "biggie".

Reason #2 - Clutter. From the front yard to the back gate, get rid of everything that takes up space (everything that you can live without). You're moving into your new home (soon), so why not start packing now? Home buyers are looking for cabinets, closets and kitchen space. Home sellers need to reduce, reduce, reduce!

Reason #3 - Clean. How long has it been since you had a professional cleaning service do the job right? Having the property cleaned by someone who is not emotionally attached to the property is the only way to go. Not only do they see things that you don't, they're especially detailed oriented in cleaning the home.

Reason #4 - Color. "Real Estate Beige" comes in many different shades these days, but whatever shade of neutral you decide to go with, make sure it is properly applied. If painting over dark colors, be sure to use a primer. Hiring quality contracts to paint for you is worth the money. Walls in good condition are important, but so are walls that buyers can see.

Reason #5 - Compromise. Pick challenges with your children based on what is truly important. The kids room need to be organized, but it's more important that the dirty clothes are out of sight.

Reason #6 - Creativity. Setting matching accessories together and displaying nice towels are not labor intensive or expensive. It's using what you alreayd own to highlight the home.

Reason #7 - Consistency. Make sure the home is prepared daily for buyers. Put wet towels in the dryer during the day (running the dryer before heading off to work). Dirty clothes need to be picked up and put in the laundry basket. Used dishes should also be put in the dishwasher each morning. Remember, people will recall what they saw, more than what they didn't see.

Reason #8 - Check Your Senses. How do the house smell? (Cinnamon? Vanilla? Wet dog?) What do you hear? (Leaky faucets? Soft music?) What's the first thing you see when you open the door? (Nice entry, clean floors? Walls with cracks? Stained carpet?)

Remember, buyers will make their decision within the first few seconds of driving up to your house. It is your responsibility to give them an invitation to come in!

Calie Waterhouse is an experienced Accredited Staging Professional Master and President & Co-Founder of The Arizona Regional Chapter of the International Association of Home Staging Professionals. She was trained by the Staged Homes program, which was founded by Barb Schwarz, the pioneer of real estate staging. In 2004, after receiving certification as an interior decorator, Calie added interior decorating & builder assistance to her list of specialities. Visit her websites at or


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