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Notify Them When Youre Moving

One of your first steps, when you're getting ready to move, is to pick up a stack of change-of-address cards from the post office. Yes, old-fashioned go-by-snail post cards! You'll want to notify everyone in your address book and also.



charge card companies.

church or synagogue.



insurance companies.


organizations you belong to.


social security administration.

voter registration.

and of course, the post office itself. It will forward first-class mail for one year. For parcels and publications, you must agree to pay additional postage.

You'll also want to leave your new address and phone number with the buyer of your home, so anything that gets lost in the shuffle can be forwarded to you promptly.

As you approach your moving date: Set up final readings on gas, electric and water meters. Check whether you made deposits, years ago, that should now be refunded.

Discuss with your insurance agent the amount of refund due on homeowners insurance you'll be cancelling. Refunds may also be due for unused portions of prepaid cable tv service or health club memberships.

Be sure to notify anyone who calls with regular service at your home pool or water maintenance, diaper service, pest control, home cleaners, landscapers.

Inquire about transfer of medical or school records.

Drive around town picking up dry cleaning, returning library books and emptying lockers.

Start preparing for your garage sale, driveway sale, moving sale or whatever they call it in your town. Movers charge by the pound. Get a ballpark figure of how much that might be, and you'll find it easier to decide if the battered baby stroller really has sentimental value, and whether it pays to take the refrigerator along.

Remember that you're going to have to go through all your belongings before you're done anyhow. Culling out the rejects will make the packing simpler. After the garage sale's over, you can phone a charity to have the leftovers picked up. (Be sure to save the receipts for tax-deductible contributions.)

And all that's before you've even interviewed movers or started packing!

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