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NAR® Broker Will Swear It - Real Pro' Agents Share It - FSBO Truth

For posting the "Truth" on your website, some FSBO's will not like you. These prospects would not have listed with you anyway. For Sale By Owners - that can receive sound advice - will appreciate your courage, celebrating by having listed their home with you.

Sometimes, the "Truth" hurts. Yet, being ripped off, raped, or even worse - hurts a whole lot more. Ask any police officer if home sellers should open their doors wide to strangers. Better yet, inquire how frequently FSBOs cry to law enforcement after being robbed, assaulted, or otherwise endangered by persons masquerading as home buyers.

Since many agents - in an attempt to appear professional - resist telling prospects the whole, atrocious truth, all too many FSBOs are not properly informed of the very real risks they are taking. In an effort to put safety of others ahead of a personal profit motive, you can rest assured that you - a true "Professional" - have done the right thing.

It is absolutely the owner's right to sell their own home - without the assistance of a real estate agent. Yet, more often than not, the dominant marital partner says, "We can sell our home ourselves, Honey, without paying any real estate commissions. We will need those extra dollars ourselves for when we move."

No thought of the danger is realistically acknowledged.

Rather, the man says, "I'll go get the For Sale By Owner sign. You write the ad for the newspaper. We will save thousands by selling this way!"

His compliant, even if apprehensive, companion places the advertising, is supposed to field the phone, make appointments for - supposedly interested - home buying prospects to come view the "For Sale" property. She wants to be certain that her husband is home - with her - when people come to see their home. If that is not always possible, she likely has enough of an awareness of inherent evil lurking about that she will try see to it a friend is.

Soon, the parade of the unqualified begins. These are the curious "Lookie-Lews." People arrive into the FSBO's home, eager for their own reasons, not all of which are honorable. For thieves, it is a "Free-for-all." For shrewd real buyers, "It's Bonanza!" Unfortunately, "Little Joe" Cartwright isn't there to protect the homesteader's interests.

Every year, dozens of real estate agents are abducted, robbed, raped, and murdered. The NAR®, National Association of Realtors® continually warns it own members to be vigilant, careful whom they work. The "Truth" is: For Sale By Owners can not be too careful?

Russ Miles is author of the novel, For Sale By Owners:FSBO. A "Seasoned Real Estate NAR® Broker," Russ is disabled by Multiple Sclerosis so he writes books and Articles on varied subjects. A motivational speaker, he can be passionate and inspirational in his refreshing approaches to problem solving.

FOR SALE BY OWNERS:FSBO ISBN 0-595-28703-4,in trade paperback,is available by phone or Internet:1-800-Authors to order direct!Very HOT-LINK Adobe e-book & hard cover editions also availableFSBO at at Barnes and Noble and other fine booksellers.Comments: Coming soon:


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