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Safe, Scenic & Secure Sussex County Delaware

As I write this, there is a considerable concern about the dangers of urban life, triggered by the terrorist attacks on the USA. As some of you know, I have been a student of disaster preparations and a real estate consultant for those seeking "secluded and survival properties" for over thirty years.

At one time, I had a several hundred item checklist for my "Survivalist" clients to read and check off for me so that I could guide them to what they considered to be the most Utopian place to live safe and secure with their family. I guess it could be said that some of my clients were -- at least eccentric, but the common thread running through all of their needs and wants was to be able to live safely and securely regarding all possible or likely threats, whether man made or natural.

The most common concern of those who wanted to find a better place to live was a fear of urban riots and terrorism. After that, the concerns were safe schools for the children, a low crime rate, clean air, clean water, friendly communities, and quite often they wanted as little intrusion into their personal lives, as possible, from the various government agencies.

There was always the concern about earthquakes from those who came from California. There was concern about tornadoes from those in the Midwest. One of the greatest concerns about power outages came from those in the northern areas. Concern about hurricanes and terrible storms came from those who lived close to the coast and from those in the south. There was also an often, at first unstated, fear of nuclear, biological and chemical attacks.
So to sum it up, the so called Survivalists were just people, people like the rest of us in many ways, and people interested in having a better life, free of violence and trouble from any predictable natural or man-made sources. They just wanted what we all want, a better life! Now, since the eleventh of September, the concerns of those "Survivalists" are exactly the concerns of nearly everyone. We are getting quite a few calls and thousands of contacts on our web sites, from those looking to get out of the city and come to the country. Rural Living is making more and more sense to more and more people.

Some of those who hired me in the past wanted to purchase caves or played out coal mines so that they could have an affordable way to have a safe "bunker". Some people have been taught by the media to invalidate anyone who has that bunker mentality. However, we seem to think it's just fine for all of our government officials to have numerous bunkers and shelters and safe places to go. Most highly placed government officials, at county, state and federal levels; have a selection of these safe and sheltered places to go. We don' t but we purchase their retreats with our tax dollars.

Some of those past clients wanted a special remote access property, one with difficult or impossible access such as a winding mountain road or a tunnel into the property which they could close off for their own personal security and for that of their family. Some wanted energy efficiency and many wanted to be able to grow most or all of their own food. This was always a very small micro percentage who wanted these things and far fewer who were willing to pay for them. There are hundreds of people, outside of government officials, who seek a safe place to be in the case of disaster, but few of them ever take the step to purchase one.

In all of those years of searching for "perfect places" and Utopian retreats I learned a lot and eventually presented seminars several times. Some of those preparing for the worst and hoping for the best were the Survivalists. Some where those concerned about personal and community preparations such as the Mormons, Conservative Christians, Buddhists, Home Schoolers, Naturists, Organic Gardeners, Vegetarians, and lots of hopeful hermits, back to the soil, Mother Earth types and all manner of folks seeking refuge from the rigors and turmoil of urban and suburban life.

I've found the best place, in my well informed opinion, over all, is Sussex County Delaware. I live here myself. I help others move here for the same reasons and others. I'll tell you why this area is my first choice for safety, lifestyle, security, and permanent "survival" of the best and highest kind.

Other than the first half mile distance inland from our coast we have had virtually no damage from any of the hurricanes which occasionally reach us. We have lots of alerts each year but only a few storms that actually reach us or affect us. In those rare instances when the storms do reach us, they nearly always fail to reach farther than a half mile from the waterfront. In fact only twice since 1955 have the storms done any damage five miles inland, in my experience. On those two occasions it was some downed tree limbs and some flooding of streets or roads at little country bridges and that's about all. For the coastal areas there is flood insurance which is required, so the beach front area homes and businesses that were harmed were soon repaired.

The quality of our air is wonderful except for a quarter of a mile or less along the Delaware Bay. There we get some very light and nearly undetectable aerial effluent from the Delaware City refineries under certain weather conditions, almost no one is even aware of this minor fact.

Although we are due east of Washington D.C., we don't get polluted by the air currents from there. From an airplane you can see the D.C. air pollution stop dead at the Chesapeake Bay, which is fifty miles or more from this area. The tempering effects of the Chesapeake Bay, Delaware Bay, Atlantic Ocean and all of our myriad Inland Bays give us a climate like that of South Carolina.

Thomas Jefferson gave us the nickname "Diamond State" because he found our soils and growing season to have a worth like diamonds. This is due to the rich values in farming and gardening that are available in southern Delaware now as it was then.

Our climate is the MOST suitable climate for nearly all American plants. According to the National Park Service botanist our local state and federal parks have the greatest number of different plants of any land location on earth. We have a long and rich agricultural history and a great place to learn about it.

We have a large retirement community here in Southern Delaware due largely to our almost nonexistent property and income taxes. Our taxes are among the lowest in the nation. As a result of this retirement community we have fully capable hospitals, lots of restaurants for every taste, theater, numerous first run movie theaters, music festivals, poetry recitals, over a dozen writers' groups, great book stores, coffee shops, bake shops and one of the best selections of adult education opportunities anywhere. We also have tax free shopping in over 200 "factory outlet stores". Our lifestyle is so relaxed here that we are known as Lower, Slower, Delaware. We even sell hats and t-shirts to celebrate this slogan.

More and more people are moving here to telecommute to jobs all over the world. I specialize in helping teleworking folks to find affordable, wonderful homes where they can enjoy life and work at home. You can work in your pajamas, work from the pool or garden or even work naked if you want! We have high speed cable modems, in many areas of Sussex County.

We seldom get much snow here. When we do get a few inches or less it is usually gone, as a result of the warm climate and sea air, within a few hours. When someone moves here, knowing how bad the snows can be in the northeastern United States, they often ask me what to do in preparation for the snow storms. I tell them just get an extra bottle of wine or two and a couple of logs for the fireplace. By the time they're done with the wine and before the logs are used up, the snow will have usually melted.

Of course we are famous for our beaches and our summer resort life but you can find out all about that in several of my other articles.

Give me a call or e-mail us and we'll find you something to fit your needs and budget. But call now so you can start enjoying what we all know is the best place in America to live, work and play. My informed survival advice to you is to get out of the city now, leave the urban strife and get a better life. Come to Sussex County Delaware and learn to enjoy the Lower, Slower, Delaware life.

By copyright 2001

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