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Homes in Chapel Hill

Chapel Hill is located right in the middle of North Carolina, halfway between the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Atlantic Ocean. In 2000, the nearly 20 square mile city had a population of 48,715 people and it has substantially increased over the last five years.

The city enjoys a rather mild climate with summer temperatures ranging between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit and winter temperatures normally ranging between 40 and 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

Buying one of the many homes in Chapel Hill is a great investment because it is a wonderful place to raise a family. The city has a strong sense of community, an excellent school system, safe neighborhoods and friendly residents. There are also several recreational opportunities nearby including golf, tennis, horseback riding, biking, hiking, camping, etc.

Home buying basics

According to the 2000 census, the median value of homes in Chapel Hill was $229,100. If you are seriously looking at homes in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, be sure you know the common procedures and pitfalls that come with the process. Below are a few tips to help you have a successful home buying experience.

Get your credit report. It is advised to get your credit score before shopping for a home. A credit score is based on several different variables and ranges between 300 and 850. A score above or near 700 is favorable and most likely to be approved by lenders.

Choose a good real estate agent. Buying a home can be a much easier process with the help of a real estate agent. One of the best ways to secure a good real estate agent is by talking to people you know who have worked with that particular agent. If that is not possible, you can look in your local real estate listings and find an agent who has been successful selling a variety of homes. Choose an agent who is professional, yet aggressive and has your best interests in mind. Also, try to help out your real estate agent by giving him or her specifics. Such as, how much you are willing to spend on a home, what style and size of home you are looking for, which neighborhoods you prefer, etc.

Remember there is always room for negotiation. A large portion of home buying is simple negotiation. In a sense, the market sets the price of homes, not the seller. If you think the home is overpriced, don't be afraid to offer less than the asking price.

Be patient. Don't rush into buying the first home that you like. Finding a real estate agent, choosing a home, and setting up financing can take several months. You need time to carefully evaluate all the homes on the market and see which one best fits into your budget and lifestyle. If you take the time to look at many different homes, you are more likely to get a better price on the home you finally decide on.

Go for it! Once you decide what kind of home you're looking for, obtain your credit score, and hire a trusted real estate agent, buying one of the great homes in Chapel Hill will be a breeze. With several different homes in a variety of styles, sizes and prices, your next step will be packing the moving vans.

Inside Real Estate in a network entirely devoted to real estate information. Our staff of nationwide writers has provided a library of over 25,000 real estate articles. Inside Real Estate covers several topics from the basic "how to's" of real estate to city specific real estate information.


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