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Do I Have To Buy Real Estate Through An Agent?

Sometimes when we are very busy professionals and very rich it might be convenient to let an agent do the groundwork for us. Letting them make appointments, drive to the property, roam through house after house sizing them up until they find a few great homes that might be just perfect for us.

But is that how it happens?

Usually you meet with an agent. They get you to sign a piece of paper giving them exclusive rights to selling you a property (A buyers Contract) then they will drive you around and around looking at homes they know of hoping you will find one that interest you. Then they call all the prospective homeowners agents to make an appointment for viewing. Your agent then drives you around to view these homes you showed interest in.If you don't sign a buyers contract an agent might tell you the address of a few homes they know of so that you can drive around to see if one of them interest you. Then they will set up an appointment for them to show you the property.

I have even heard an agent tell a customer who came in off the street but someone whom they knew to drive around and if they find something to call.

Yeah, I want to give six percent of a house purchase to someone when I'm doing all the work except for making the appointment.

You can search the many of for sale by owner properties that are available everywhere these days. You can take some time to find all the foreclosures in the area. You can spread the word through friends and family that you are looking to buy, maybe someone might decide they want to sell before they call an agent. There are many ways to buy real estate without an agent.

Sure there are some great houses listed with an agent. If you happen through your own search come across a house that is in the perfect neighbor and close to everything you want to be close to or as far away then do some homework before you call that listing agent.

Go to the city Tax rolls and investigate that property. See how much they paid for the house and when. Find out the property taxes, the square footage, type of construction, the improvements noted, the amenities, special features and have a look at the layout if available.

Do your homework and figure your finances to see if this house is affordable and pretty close to what you had in mind. If it is, then call the listing agent to make an appointment to see the property. You can even tell them you will meet them there.Get a figure in your mind as to how much you are willing to offer.

If the home is exactly what you were looking for then make an offer for a few thousand dollars less than the asking price to cut down on the agents fees added to the price of the home and hope they except!

You should not have to sign anything to be shown that particular home. The agent is working for the seller!

Shirley Turetsky is the owner/webmaster for Central Florida's for sale by owner listings. You can find her Do It Yourself FSBO Tips for buyers and seller to guide you through all your real estate transactions. More articles about real estate can be found at


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