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Finding The Perfect Maui Home For Sale

If you are thinking of relocating to Maui, this articlewill hopefully guide you to making a positive decision whenthinking of buying a home there. Hopefully, by the end youwill be one step closer to finding a Maui home for sale,and being able to purchase it.

Maui is an island belonging to Maui County in the State ofHawaii. It is also known as the Valley Isle. Maui islocated in the Pacific Ocean and has a population of120,000 during the last census. It was discovered in 1778by Captain James Cook, and has many visitor attractionssuch as tropical rainforests and a 10,000 feet volcanocalled Haleakala. Now the island averages about 2-3 millionvisitors per year. The major towns on Maui Island areKihei, Kahului, Wailuku, and Lahania.

Buying a Maui home that is for sale is not a hard thing todo, if you consider the natural laws of the State. Youshould contact all the necessary governmental, financial,and legal experts that can help you purchase a new home.

It is best to start your search for a Maui home bycontacting a professional real estates agent. Askingfriends or family to recommend someone is the best way togo. If this is not successful, you can search online forreal estate brokers that specialize in Maui properties. Ifyou are located within Maui, you can use the telephonedirectory to research real estate agents. After you havespoken to a few of them, you should meet with the potentialreal estate agent. During this initial meeting, you candiscover how much experience the agent has with the Mauiproperty scene.

After deciding on an agent, it is now time to find yourMaui home for sale. The price you pay will be determined bywhat you can afford and where you would like to live inMaui. For example, an average price for a family home inLahaina is 1.2 million, as compared to the average pricefor a family home in Kihei, which is 980,000. It is best toconsider how much you would like to spend before searchingfor your home. Your real estate agent will have listing ofproperty for sale and can help you figure out thisinformation.

It is important to consider the finances that you haveavailable for purchasing your Maui home. There are manylenders available in the State and elsewhere, and the ratesof interest that you will pay will vary. It is yourresponsibility to research the loans available for you newhome. However, if you are able to pay cash, then that willsuddenly make property a lot cheaper. You can purchase ahome in Kahakuloa for 1.3 million.

Once you have selected a home you would like to make anoffer on, some mortgage lenders require that you have ahome inspection completed. You should make a conditionaloffer depending on the results of the home inspection.

Lastly, it is important to buy homeowner's insurance whenpurchasing a Maui home for sale. This protects your moneyand investment. A smart homeowner will do well to purchasethis. When all this paperwork is completed, you will thenbe ready to move into your new Maui home and enjoy thiswonderful place.

Charles & Susan Truett are the website owners of MauiRealtors Online. For a comprehensive listing of MauiHomes for sale, visit:


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