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Sell your Property Faster

Learn how to sell your property faster and at the best possible price. Selling your property quickly and at the highest price is the target for everyone looking to move. However, the reality can be quite different so it is important to give yourself the maximum opportunity to achieve both of these goals.

Image you are on the search for your perfect new home. Are you more likely to be interested in a property that is well presented, neutral colours throughout, and free of clutter with a tidy garden, or a property that is looking rather tired, with a collection of bright differently coloured uncoordinated rooms with floral carpeting alongside plenty of clutter? For some, the idea of a big DIY project is a challenge, but for many others it is their worst nightmare with the prospect of not being able to unpack their boxes for many months. With so many commitments in our everyday lives, many house movers want their new home to have that 'move in today' factor and this is worth remembering when you are trying to sell your property.

As much as we believe that our properties should be valued based on the bricks and mortar it is surprising what effect it can have if your property is well presented. We all know what it is like to view a brand new property with luxury fittings and contemporary furniture with that instant move in condition. This is the exact feeling that people want to feel when they view your property. Although they may not necessarily expect it in a re-sale property, you can improve your chances of a faster and more profitable sale if you can create the same new property feeling when they view your property for sale.

There are a number of different ways to achieve this. Firstly you could think about putting your furniture into storage and renting some new luxury furniture. Your buyers won't know it's rented but will just give them a better idea of how the property for sale could look and could give them a really good first impression. Remember, you only ever get one chance to make a first impression. You want to make sure that your property is the one that your viewers remember, but for all the right reasons. Alternatively, you could purchase new furniture for the property. If the buyers like the look that much, they may even consider buying it and negotiating this as part of the sale price. For a small investment, it could result in the sale you have been waiting for. And finally don't forget the exterior of the property. A well kept and maintained garden can in some cases reflect a 10% difference in sale price that can be achieved.

Being able to sell your property faster and at the best possible price also means that you should take time to consider how you market the property. If you decide to sell your property privately, this could save you a lot of money on selling agent fees. But make sure you select a good private sellers website that is targeted at your niche audience for the type of property you are trying to sell. Having a professionally produced for sale board at the property for sale can increase interest but if it is a board with cartoon type features and less corporate looking, take time to think how you would react. A good for sale board creates a professional image to your property for sale and if it is that professional, very few buyers would realize that it is a private sale.

And after you have tried all the above and you are still not securing the sale you need to move on, you can always consider renting it out and keeping it as a buy to let investment which would put you in a chain free position for your new purchase in the knowledge of having an investment property for the future. When you consider that average property prices double every 10-15 years, this can't be a bad idea. Learn more about buy to let

Jennifer Tweed is the founder of, one of the UK's first property portals dedicated to all types of investment property for sale and everything you should need for your sale and purchase. Learn more about buy to let


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