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Property Investors, Scrub Your Thoughts and Start Again - Brazil, Brazil, Brazil!

Brazil Property - Fortaleza

The Place

What to do in a place like this - You can swim, surf, dive, sail, golf, play ball, ride, explore, bargain hunt, sight see, explore, drive a dune buggy for 100 miles in any direction, or take a jeep up a steep mountain trail. You can explore environmental preserves, or just swing in a hammock and do nothing at all.

Beaches: there are hundreds of miles of untouched pristine beaches. Ocean surface temperatures are 82 F all year round with 65 feet of visibility underwater.

Tourism: a 270% increase in tourism over the last eight years this is expected to increase to nearly double the current number of foreign visitors to the area by 2008

Climate: Guaranteed good weather at least 90 percent of the time with more than 335 days per year of glorious sunshine.

Low Crime: Fortaleza, Brazil's fifth largest city, ranks 23rd in crime. Brazil is considered low risk in respect of war, terrorism SARs. You are probably more at risk where you are right now.

Fortaleza food: Fresh fish is famous in this northeast region of Brazil.

Brazil-The people

Friendly people: all sizes, shapes, and colours, warm, friendly and welcoming that's the Brazilian people. More about Brazilian people at Hip

Brazilian property-Fortaleza property investment

Property Prices: A 250 square meter house with three bedrooms and a swimming pool, about 100 meters from a beautiful beach only £27,000 approximate $ 47,000 USD.

Brazilian Investors welcome: Foreign Investment encouraged your own 100% of land and property; foreigners can open a bank accounts with attractive interest rates on investments

Easy buying process: Purchasing property is simple and straightforward for non-Brazilians and the right of freehold is incontrovertible. Title insurance is available and the legal process is inexpensive and relatively quick.

Nicholas Marr is clearly an observer of life and front row spectator of the events in the overseas property market. His articles dare to challenge trend of thought in this industry which is besieged by the big boys. A lifetime property investor his UK based company Marr International owns one of the fastest growing overseas property websites in Europe. His articles are informative and sometimes a bit uncomfortable for some in his industry to read. Whatever the subject they will always be informative and will hold your interest. Bravo to freedom of speech!

Brazil property... let us show you the way...


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