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How to Make the Real Estate Market Work For You and Get The Most Money

How to make the Real Estate market work for you and get the most money.

Dad always said that Real estate is a good investment because they don't make it anymore. Because they are so busy these days anyone selling your home may be thinking more of listing more homes than your welfare. If you plan on selling and moving you will need to take some simple steps to get the most money you can.

Most Real Estate companies do a good job but in a sellers market you can probably sell your home yourself. Anyway if you have the time it won't hurt to try. If it doesn't sell then you can always call the pros in latter. The internet has been a blessing to the average person. Not only can you sell many things you don't need anymore, you can even sell your home on the net at sites like Thousands of people visit sites like this looking for a new home. Even if your home is with a Broker you can still speed things along by putting low cost ads on the internet.

First you need to get your home ready to show. Buyers like homes that are clean with as few of your things as possible lying around so it's time to do a spring-cleaning. Some big furniture may cost more to move than its worth so sell these things locally. You may want to buy new things later anyway. Then look around for small stuff you don't want and sell it on eBay. What's left is stuff you can't live without or it's just junk. If you aren't sure then ask your wife guys, she'll point out the junk to you.

If you like most people have collected too much stuff then consider renting storage for a month or two. Clean out the garage and hose it down to get rid of dust and spider webs. Men like garages and want to picture their tools and things there. One of the best home improvements that don't cost a lot of money is pant, especially if you don't mind doing the labor.

Ever notice how guests always end up in the kitchen? Most people like kitchens and this is the first room to remodel or just clean and paint. The next most important room is the bathroom. Repair leaks, rust spots, and replace the little things that seem to get ugly over time. If you have pets make sure you don't have a cat litter box sitting around smelling up the place. Homeowners get used to their own smells and can't smell a thing but your visitors' sure can!

Big dogs scare some people (not me) and maybe it would be best to let Bruno visit Uncle Pete for a few weeks. After you finish with everything invite some friends over for a party and get some feedback on how everything looks. When everything looks good it's time to take some pictures. You need good clear pictures to post on the net and mail to interested buyers. If you're not experienced at photography find someone that is. Good photography takes years to learn and that's what you need now. I've tested photos of my products on eBay and believe me it makes a big difference. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words.

If you use a Real Estate broker select one with lots of experience. I like the larger companies because they give you lots more exposure through their advertising and intercity referrals. Buyers trust them more also. The small cut-rate company's may be slower to find a buyer and fix problems. When you are ready to move be careful to pick an honest moving company. Many of them have been holding truckloads of belongings and demanding more money. Pick one with a good reputation.

When I was selling Real Estate there was no such thing as the internet. What a wonderful thing it is. More and more people are selling everything you can think of on the net. There are plenty of Real Estate listing websites including my own that will advertise your Home for a small fee. is free for the first 200 ads. After that its only $25 for six months and includes a photo. Wow, can you imagine selling for $25 and saving all that money! Do it Now!

To your success! Dean Minton

© 2004 by Dean Minton
You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, in your Newsletter, on your website, or in your E-Book, as long as the author's Resource Box is included with the article.

Dean Minton is the author of the Science Fiction Screenplays,
"The Quantum Child" and "Backseat".
List your property for sale at Dean's new Nation Wide Real Estate Website for only $25 dollars! (first 200 are free) Go to Http://
Contact him at: mailto:


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