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How To Give Yourself A $20,000/Year Raise Without Asking Your Boss

Why without asking your boss?

Two reasons, one, he or she will most likely say no; and second, he or she will probably have you committed for asking.

So what do you do. Give the raise to yourself.

Impossible you say. Chuck and Sue are crazy. Not at all. Here's how.

You know we love the Creative Real Estate niche of Lease Purchasing and you know we believe it to be the perfect home-based business.

But, did you know you can use these same methods in your spare time to give yourself that big raise.

Ask yourself, "What would I be willing to do to earn an extra $20,000 in a year".

The answer may surprise you. And no, you don't have to become a hit man (or woman) to earn this.

You just have to be willing to take a look at Lease Purchasing.

Some background before you think we've completely lost it.

For every 100 calls Sue makes on For Sale By Owner property, she either speaks with or leaves messages for about 60%. That's about 60 people she puts the concept of Lease Purchasing in front of.

Out of that 60, approximately 10 will develop into true prospects. From these 10, 2 or 3 will develop into property we are willing to take on. The others may become consultations or manual sales.

(Please keep in mind, these numbers will vary a bit depending upon your particular area and current market conditions).

Gee, you say, that sounds like a lot of work. Not really. Consider making those calls over a 3 month period. That's the equivalent of a call per day. Why a 3 month period. Because you're only looking to do one deal a quarter.

Next question. How does this translate into a $20,000/yr. raise? Simple.

On a typical single family house, we look for a $5000 assignment fee on average. Well, let's do the math. 4 x $5,000 = $20,000.

Yup, a $20,000 raise on 4 deals per year.

Is this realistic? Absolutely.

In fact, we may be conservative on that raise for you. You may well decide to do five or six or more deals in a year.

All it takes is knowing how to structure your deals, having the proper contracts and a willingness to want to give yourself a raise. You can find all this information at our website at:

You're right. Chuck and Sue are crazy. Crazy like a fox.

Copyright 2000, DeFiore Enterprises

Interested in having your own successful, home based creative real estate investing business? Chuck and Sue have been helping folks start successful home based businesses for over 19 years, and we can help you too! To see how, visit for the latest FREE tips and tricks, educational products and coaching in creative real estate investing and home based businesses. No time to visit the site? Subscribe to our "how to" Home Business Solutions Digest, it's like having your own personal coach:


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