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Personal Debt Can Disappear When You Set up a New Business

I teach students how to set up a new business name on paper and then move their personal debt into the business name.

This will dramatically improve your personal credit score and help you make money as a real estate investor.

It's as simple as using my system to set up a new business name and then use my list of companies that offer new business lines of credit.

Then when you start receiving these business credit cards and lines of credit you can transfer a personal credit card balance onto your new business card. And make that debt you owe disappear from your credit report!


Of course you will still have to repay it. But the power of this technique is that your credit score will go up when this personal debt gets transferred out of your name and into the name of a new business.

And you will keep your personal credit score high when you continue to go out and get business lines of credit to use for your real estate investing activities.


Setting up new business lines of credit is the most important thing you can do to PROTECT yourself as a real estate investor.

Because these business credit cards and lines of credit allow you to draw cash from them to keep as a reserve when you are buying, rehabbing, or just holding rental property.

You MUST make sure you keep adequate cash reserves for the unexpected issues that ALWAYS come up when you own real estate.

And the best way to get cash reserves without using all your own personal money is to follow my program -

HOW TO BEAT THE SYSTEM in real estate investing.

I can show you how to quickly get a new business line of credit no matter what your credit score is.

And this new business line of credit gives you cash for anything you're doing in your real estate investing activities.

See how to get $20,000 cash for real estate investing, NO QUESTIONS ASKED. This program helps all my students get a new business line of credit regardless of their personal credit score.

And this program also teaches you exactly how to find the BEST FORECLOSURE DEALS.

The program is called HOW TO BEAT THE SYSTEM in real estate investing. And it includes -

1. Unlimited free live tele-coaching.

2. A money system to get business credit.

3. A foreclosure system to have someone else find you the best deals.

4. Software that will analyze your deals.

5. Bonus material with insider secrets on what to look for in a profitable deal.

Sincerely, Thomas Kish
President of CashFlowExperts.Biz

Tom is a full time real estate investor. He has purchased and sold over 5 million dollars worth of real estate in less than 2 years.

Tom is an expert in using new business lines of credit instead of cash to buy real estate. There is no one else teaching anything like this SYSTEM of real estate investing!

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