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Popping The Real Estate Bubble Myth!

If you turn on the TV, listen to the radio, or even surf the internet, you'll notice that there is a lot of people talking about the "Real Estate Bubble", and asking the question, "when is it going to burst?" They (these so-called experts) have been saying for years that the real estatemarket can't continue this type of growth. These "experts" remind me of chicken little, with all of their prosphesy of doom and gloom, and the "sky is falling" syndrome. The truth is there has never been a real estate bubble in the past, or presently, and there will certainly never be one in the future. Talk about there being a "real estate bubble" is the stuff that urban legends are made of.

Here's the readers digest version of what it all means. Thereal estate market is really, a "wave". It's cyclical, andwe are riding on a big wave right now. Real Estate is justlike Investing in the stock market, There are good yearswhen values rise and there are years that are better, whenvalues rise even higher. That's it, in a nutshell. Realestate has gone up and down throughout history, andgenerally speaking, it is fairly stable. When you look at agraph of real estate values, you would be able to see aclear pattern of increasing values. Now some years wouldhave higher peaks than others, and all in all, it is agradual building slope from left to right. And it looks justlike a wave.

In addition, there are more up cycles, than down cycles. Sothe recent growth we've had will be followed by ones ofdownturn. The only difference is that it may not be as muchof an increase, in other words the increase will be slower.The bottom line is, it will still be growth. This is whythere will always be growth. Real Estate is a basic need.People need a roof over their heads. You can rest assuredthat people will be renting, buying, leasing, and sellinghomes. And it doesn't matter if the market is low or high orif the interest rates are up or down. Real Estate is a surething!

Remember Real Estate cycles tend to be regionally based.Real Estate is always driven by the economic principles ofsupply and demand. Some areas of the country, likeSeattle, are going gangbusters, and real estate values aregoing sky high, and other areas like parts of the northeastare not increasing by the same percentage. However almostall areas are going up in value. Historically, propertyvalues increase in a strong job market. Other factorsto think about include; program funding, interest rates,population growth, climate, and user-friendly state andlocal governments, including school system changes. Theseare critical points to consider when investing in realestate, either as a landlord or for personal use.

The key to successful real estate investing is to understandwhat drives the market. Stay on top of what is going on inyour market place. Research the internet, read articles, getinvolved with your community. One other key to staying atthe top of your game is to get a mentor or coach to help yousucceed in your real estate investing career. If coaching isgood enough for sports figures like Tiger Woods, why notyou?

To sum it up, Real Estate bubbles don't exist, but there isa real estate wave. As any surfer knows, if you want toride the waves, you need to get in the water. Watching theaction can be fun, but will it put any money in your pocket?Invest with the intention of providing a service for others,and you can become rich investing in Real Estate.

Roseanne Nepht is founder of Real Estate XL - an excellent resource site dedicated to information on real estate.


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