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FSBO - How to Prepare Your House to Sell

Did you hear that? Prices of houses in Phoenix have been jumping 5% each month for 2005 according to market experts! Some even predict that the price of housing could jump an additional 10% for the upcoming year. The shortage of houses for sales and the still relatively low interest prices are causing the price of homes not just here in Phoenix but nationwide to escalate. What does this mean? If you are thinking about selling your home, there is no better time than the present. Jump on the bandwagon!

Okay, great, you say. I'll buy a for-sale-by-owner sign, set it out in the front yard, host an open-house this weekend. I should have my house sold by the end of next week! Well, two months later, that for-sale-by-owner sign is still in the front and you don't have a buyer. Do not think that just because there is a shortage of houses for sale, selling a house is a piece of cake. It may not as easy as you think. Instead of using a Realtor, you are determined to sell the house yourself. That's fine and it's possible. People do it all the time; however, what are some tips to help you prepare your house to sell. I have done the research and found four minimal-cost tips in preparing your sell:

1. Clean-up. The first impression is always the lasting one. You want potential buyers to be impressed the moment that they spot your house from the street. Everything from the yard, to the windows, to every room inside should be squeaky clean. And if you have a collection of, well, several collections of?stuff, it's distracting to the buyer and really takes away the beauty of your home. If you can't part with those items, pack them away in boxes. A potential buyer won't be offended by a few packed boxes in the house. They most likely are expecting you to be preparing to move anyway.

2. Deodorize. This goes hand-in-hand with cleaning your house and removing the clutter. If your house smells, it won't sell. If the house has been vacant for a while, there is nothing more offensive to a potential buyer than the smell of mildew. Please take care of the mildew before showing the house. And you petowners, understand that your precious little pets that you keep indoors are not odor-less. You just have become accustomed to the smell. A potential buyer will pick up the pet order immediately. The same is true for cigarettes.

3. Re-paint the house. Okay, you may have enjoyed a blue kitchen, an orange living room, and a red bathroom. But your potential buyer may not be as cutting-edge. Experts agree that neutral colors are best in showcasing your house. Also take a second look at the decorations on the wall. Remove anything that could be offensive to your potential buyer.

4. Embrace the sun. I don't particularly care for the Phoenix heat, but I love the sun. It symbolizes laughter, happiness, brightness, things that are upbeat and positive. Open the blinds and curtain in your house and let the sunshine in!

Remember, you want to impress the potential buyer. By following these four simple tips, you can be a step-ahead of the game in reducing the time it takes to sell your house. However, if you don't have the time it requires to sell the house yourself and don't want the expensive of hiring a Realtor, please visit my website to read the free report, Sell Your House in Seven (7) Days at

Andrea Groves is a private real estate investor and owner of A & D Property Consultants LLC, a real estate consulting firm. The company specializes in providing property leads for other private real estate investors. Andrea has a Bachelor's in Business Administration/Leadership and Management and holds two professional certifications in advanced administration.For more information about A & D Property Consultants LLC, please visit the website at


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