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Real Estate Information

Real Estate Value: Knowing yours is Key to Mortgage Success

The value of the real estate you own, whether it is your personal residence or an investment property, is critical to your mortgage and financial success. If the balance on your mortgage is close to or higher than the value of your property, your real estate is not the financial machine it should be.

Real Estate Investing - Finding Cheap Houses

Real estate investing expertise can certainly accommodate the luxury home market. In some ways, the upper end of the housing marketplace produces easier success than the lower end.

First-time Home Buyers - 100% Home Loans

There is an increasing trend in South Africa that is seeing youths entering property market at a much earlier age. These youths are mostly first-time home buyers, applying for their first home loan, who have been renting for a short while and feel the need to invest in a property of their own.

How Can Real Estate Investors Profit From The Internet?

The Internet is a powerful marketing tool, but just how can a real estate investor make the best use of Web pages?We've spent some time experimenting with Web sites and we've found a couple of ways that they can be useful.First.

Tidy Up The Outside, Reap The Rewards

There isn't a realtor in existence who wouldn't tell you that one of the most important terms that you can learn when you're trying to sell your house, is "curb appeal."So while you're sprucing up your home, it's wise to start outside, and work your way in.

The Nose Knows

If you plan on getting the most from the sale of your home you better be sure it can pass the "sniff" test. Let's face it your home should smell good.

Give Your Home A Timeless Feel

In the world of real estate, there is a huge difference between an old home, and a classic home. It's comparable to the idea of used clothing versus vintage clothing; only on a much grander scale.

Real Estate Investing - The First House Purchase

Real estate investing usually begins with the purchase of a house, rather than raw land or commercial property. The purchase of a relatively inexpensive house for rental or fix-up purpose is usually lower risk than any other type of real estate investment.

Investment Property Part I: How Not to Become a Slumlord

After riding the ups and downs of the stock market roller coaster for a while, an increasing number of investors are looking into property investment as a more stable alternative. With hot markets in many parts of the United States, the time may be ripe for you to get into this potentially lucrative trade.

Reinventing Real Estate, Part 1: Online and Empowered Consumers Are Taking Charge and Paying Less

For decades, the real estate world turned in a predictable manner. The roles of buyers, sellers and real estate professionals were fairly well defined and transactions followed a predictable path of yard signs, newspaper ads, open houses and miles of paperwork.

Reinventing Real Estate, Part 2: Online and Empowered Consumers Are Taking Charge and Paying Less

Demanding consumers"Internet buyers tend to be better informed on market conditions and better prepared to act on the home they want when they start working with a realtor. Luckily for realtors, these changes don't necessarily hurt, as long as they are able to adjust to the new relationship and realize that the new-style buyers value speed and efficiency over guidance when finding a home.

Home Buying: Things To Keep In Mind

So you've decided you want to own a home and now you want to begin your search for one. Before jumping into a home search, there are a few things you should keep in mind when going about buying a home.

Young Couple Buys Ranch with Government Money

Kirk and Tina Sczepanik had a dream. They wanted a ranch of their own.

Afford A Dream Home In Belize

Shopping for property in Belize is not as simple an undertaking as you might initially expect!Firstly, real estate agents as we know them are non existent! Real estate brokers that do exist are likely to be unlicensed, unregulated and certainly not trained or insured.Secondly, the majority (and I mean the majority) of property for sale is not advertised!But with property prices remaining affordable, the quality of property available attractive, the climate beautiful, the people welcoming, the quality of life incredible and the opportunities in Belize plentiful, more and more people need to know HOW they can go about procuring themselves their dream home in Belize.

10 Top Considerations For Those Buying Property Abroad

Are you one of a growing number of people considering buying a second home in the sun, an idyllic home from home abroad or a lucrative investment property overseas? If so you're not alone! Statistics show that globally we're all on the move with a recent survey by YouGov revealing that 55% of adult Britons were "seriously considering settling in another country" and the British Centre for Future Studies predicting that by 2020 one tenth of the current British population will be living or working abroad!Add to this the fact that there was a 250% increase between 2000 and 2004 in the number of Britons buying property abroad solely for investment purposes, that over one and a quarter million Brits own second homes in Spain and France already and that the Office for National Statistics in the UK recently revealed that 200,000 Britons go overseas yearly with the intention of remaining for at least twelve months, and you can see that the passion for buying that dream home abroad is universal.But what's fuelling this ever growing interest in the overseas property market?Well, despite reports to the contrary the UK housing market is seemingly ever on the up and those Britons who're acquiring massive levels of equity through their residential property are considering selling up, buying abroad and establishing a pension fund simply on the back of what they have left over from their house sale.

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