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Safe, Scenic & Secure Sussex County Delaware

As I write this, there is a considerable concern about the dangers of urban life, triggered by the terrorist attacks on the USA. As some of you know, I have been a student of disaster preparations and a real estate consultant for those seeking "secluded and survival properties" for over thirty years.

Quality of Life in Sussex County Delaware. Facts, Statistics, Observations and even opinions!

We Sussex Countians are fortunate in many ways as we have a wonderful quality of life here.Climate:Our climate for one thing is the best in the region.

Investing in Real Estate Profitably: Financing Options for Purchase of Rental Houses, Part 1.

This is not an article about tricks for 100% (no money down) financing. Even if you do take advantage of various no money down strategies from time to time, these strategies are not generally applicable when you begin investing systematically in multiple rental homes with the goal of making significant rental income.

Investing in Residential Real Estate: Achieving Positive Cash Flow

When investing in real estate, it is highly desirable to achieve positive cash flow on a month-to-month basis. This is true even if you are counting on property value appreciation to supply the bulk of your desired return on investment.

Regarding Real Estate On Leased Land

1.Why are there so many properties on leased land?There are several situations here.

How Much Home Can You Afford In Todays Market?

If you haven't figured your credit worthiness and borrowing power lately, you might be surprised at how much home you can afford to buy in today's market! Mortgage Lenders are very optimistic about the future of the real estate market and as a result they are willing to loan more on properties than you might expect! And, lenders are making loans at rates not seen since the late 1960s.We,as your Realtor, will be most willing to align you with one of our favored lenders for a private and complete analysis of your borrowing power.

Why Do Realtors Advertise Your Home in Print,on the Radio, on Television, etc.?

Why Do Realtors Advertise Your Home in Print,on the Radio, on Television, etc.?Realtors represent a huge part of the national advertising expenditure each year in newspapers, magazines, radio and television.

I have a buyer for your property and I can sell it now!

A Realtor has just talked to you and said, "I have a buyer for your property and I can sell it now; perhaps for more money than the price your current real estate agent has it listed for." Have you heard this or a version of this? Or, "I have a buyer for your property and I can sell it now; for Big Bucks (with an incredibly high figure named) perhaps for more money than that.

Where Does Your Real Estate Commission Fee Go - Why is The Commission so HIGH?

Many who have bought and sold properties through Realtors numerous times; even many real estate agents themselves, don't know where the commission money goes. After all, when a property sells for hundreds of thousands of dollars and the commission is tens of thousands of dollars, it seems like there is a terrific amount of money charged as commission -- and there is.

What We Do To Sell Your Property!

Once you have contracted us to sell your property we go to work for you to bring you the most money and best price for your property as quickly as possible. Some properties are faster selling than others based on the location, condition, size, price, of course, and type of the property.

Maximizing Curb Appeal and First Impressions to Sell your Home

We all know that a home or property of any kind, in order to sell faster and at a higher price, should have what is known as curb appeal. Frequently, it is not the expensive things that make a difference.

Juggling The Day With A Deal

Doing deals with sellers is why you went into lease purchasing. Again, using organization and time management is very important here.

The Many Benefits Of Lease Purchasing

Lease Purchasing affords wonderful benefits and opportunities to sellers, buyers, investors and those who would like to operate a home-based business. Lease Purchasing allows you to control property without ownership which has benefits for all.

Various Aspects Of The Lease Purchase Business

In a previous article, we wrote why we believe that Lease Purchasing is the perfect home-based business, here we want to briefly touch on some of the actual aspects of operating such a business, the pluses and minuses and why Lease Purchasing represents a win-win situation for the seller, the tenant/buyer and just as importantly, you, as the business owner. One of your goals in operating a Lease Purchase business is to contract for property that you then move to the tenant/buyer.

What Can I Realistically Earn In A Lease Purchase Business?

If you're looking at Lease Purchasing as a business, you'll obviously want to earn much more than the $20,000 per year in our "How To Give Yourself A $20,000/Year Raise Without Asking Your Boss" article. Let's review the numbers from that article: For every 100 calls Sue makes on For Sale By Owner property, she either speaks with or leaves messages for about 60%.

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Vendor & Real Estate Partners  Dollar Tree, Inc.

America Builds: Making Federal Real Estate Work for the Taxpayer  The House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure

Godfrey - Home for sale

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