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Real Estate Information

Location, Location, Location

Location, location, location - known as the 3 most important factors when buying a property, and it is easy to see why. The location of your property dictates how much yield you get, and how much capital growth, which ultimately decides how well you do.

Prepare Your House for a Successful Sale

Whether you list with an agent or sell on your own, you can ensure a quick sale by proactively preparing your house to be a highly marketable and attractive commodity.Paradigm ShiftDon't wait for the sold sign to get started with packing.

Pricing your House to Sell

Most Sellers set their initial asking price at an amount somewhat higher than they are actually willing to accept, fully expecting a buyer to open the bidding with a lesser amount.While price is the most frequently negotiated item in any home sale, you may be able to creatively provide financial value to your buyer - without lowering the price alone.

Virtual Agent? Online Real Estate

When preparing to sell a house, you should always consider the options of selling a home privately or listing with a real estate agent. Of course, the most cost effective option would be to sell your home privately, but what about the number of Home Buyers in the market who are not willing to consider a private sale listing?I am a firm believer that people should be able to sell a home privately but, like a lot of people, was not the kind of person who would be comfortable buying from a Private Home Seller.

Curb Appeal

First, lets start with what it is. Curb appeal is quite simply the rate of attractiveness your home projects to viewers from the street.

Water, Water Everywhere on the Waterfront

Waterfront living is among the most desirable of locations in our area (Florida). The views and vistas are fantastic, not to mention the ability to walk out one's door to drop a line to fish or untie a line to enjoy boating.

Before Selling Your Home

Here are some important steps you should take before you put your house on the market:1. Home Loan Approval for your next HomeYou don't want to be signing a contract to sell your house before knowing if you are qualified to buy another.

When Showing Your Home

Here below are some of the reasons why buyers may be put off when visiting your home.1.

For Sale By Owner Listings

Selling your home on your own, without a Realtor, is becoming less and less popular. This is surprising, considering that home values have skyrocketed and commissions have risen along with them.

Should you Sell your Home yourself?

Should you sell your home yourself? Yes and no. Yes, you should leave the option of selling on your own open and no, you shouldn't rule out using the services of an agent to help you sell.

Evil Gains Entry

When we open our doors to strangers, we can never be certain what malice an outsider might bring in. Police officers tell us to keep our doors locked with good reason.

How to Sell Your Own Home and Save Thousands of Dollars

Most people take the easy way out when selling their home and hand the responsibility over to a real estate agent, when in fact the average homeowner is capable of selling their own home.Apart from the satisfaction of making the sale yourself there is the bonus of saving thousands of dollars in agents fees.

Home Inspection Checklist - Home Inspectors

Although architectural details, wall and floor coverings, modern conveniences and many other factors are important in the buying decision, the focus of this inspection is on the structural/mechanical/electrical condition of the property.The inspection is designed to give the real estate agent or prospective purchaser a system to detect some of the readily accessible major flaws or deficiencies in the significant components and systems of a home.

The Value of Foreclosed Property

The discount on a foreclosed property is not as great if the state allows deficiency judgments by lenders against borrowers. In contrast, the discount is larger if the property is being sold in a state that requires foreclosures to proceed through the judicial system.

Investing In Commercial Property

Why commercial property?Compared to residential property investments, commercial property offers some key advantages:Long-term secure cashflow -- Commercial lets normally have long lease contracts, with periods of 10 years and more not being uncommon. In addition to this, commercial property tenants are less likely to default on payments and even if the tenant goes into liquidation, the liquidator may continue paying the rent in order to stop the lease being forfeited.

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Real Estate Partners  Dollar Tree, Inc.

Vendor & Real Estate Partners  Dollar Tree, Inc.

America Builds: Making Federal Real Estate Work for the Taxpayer  The House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure

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