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The Secret Jewel in the Mediterranean Crown

Since the Northern Cypriots famously voted 'yes' to the UN backed Annan plan for the peaceful reunification of Cyprus in 2004 the world has awoken to the secret and hidden beauty of this untouched jewel in the Mediterranean crown. Those open-minded and individual thinkers seeking elegant living, unrivalled Mediterranean-region investment property opportunities or their own hideaway are today embracing Northern Cyprus.

Investment Property Part 2 of 2: What You Need to Know Before You Buy

Welcome to the second portion of a two-part series on investment property. In the first installment, "How Not to Become a Slumlord", we discussed a little of what it takes to own and operate a property as well as some of the do's and don'ts of the property management trade.

The Art & Science of Property Valuation -- Automated Valuation Models

It is no secret that sellers want to sell high and buyers want to buy low. But they often arrive at the negotiating table with very different ideas on price.

Real Estate Investing - FSBOs vs. Agent Listings?

Many would-be real estate investing professionals face discouragement because of the assumption that acquisitions require deep-pockets. Some even believe the myth that nothing-down purchases are impossible.

Buying and Selling Real Estate: Negotiating to Win-Win

You don't get what you deserve - you get what you negotiate for.If you've spent some time on homekeys.

Real Estate Investing - Maximum Leveraging of Your Money

At this moment, you have access to some amount of money, from the extremes of only pocket change to the reserves of Bill Gates or Warren Buffet.Suppose you want to invest your funds into some vehicle that will multiply the return.

Basic Real Estate Valuation

Given the current interest (dare I say hysteria) associated with investing in dirt and buildings, I thought it might be interesting for our readers to have a quick, dirty manual on real estate valuation. My perspective comes from years in the industry as well as some time learning at the knee of some of the better real estate minds in academia.

Real Estate Investing - Free Vacations While Searching for Real Estate Acquisitions

Real estate investing professionals look for all possible tax deductions because of the generous profits derived from real estate investing.For example, real estate investors are concerned whether the sale of their real estate is subject to capital gains taxation or qualifies as ordinary income.

Real Estate Investing Is A Better Gamble Than The Lottery

Real estate investing begins when you move to the starting point.Get ready.

Real Estate Investing Requires Education

I really believe in getting an education in real estate investing, especially before launching a real estate investing career. I have been investing in real estate for 25 years, but I still spend thousands of dollars each year to learn more about real estate investing.

Are You Really A Twenty First Century Investor

Today's residential real estate market for investors has become very competitive in most major markets. The vast majority of real estate investing seminars and clubs are encouraging you to search out desperate home owners or distressed properties to be rehabbed.

Real Estate Disputes And Partition

What if two people pooled their resources and began investing in real estate. Like many partnerships things progress smoothly for a while and then a dispute arises.

Late Mortgage Payments Sabotage PMI Cancellation

There's something you should know about PMI!Private mortgage insurance is commonly referred to as PMI. If a buyer makes a down payment of less than 20% of a home's value the lender will insist that a premium for PMI be added to every monthly payment.

Should You Allow Buyer To Rent During Closing?

It's not uncommon for an investor to sell a house and have the buyer request the right to rent and occupy the property while the closing is being completed.You're a bad guy if you refuse and often in hot water of you agree.

Think You Can't Afford Your Own Home, Think Again!

Do you have bad credit, no credit, filed a bankruptcy, have a ton of late pays, medical bills, or been through a divorce? Well, we have the perfect solution for you - Lease Purchasing your own home!What is Lease Purchasing?A Lease Purchase is a process that combines a basic rental lease with an agreement to purchase, or with an option to purchase the property. The Buyer (or Lease-Purchaser) pays to the seller a monthly payment that usually approximates a rental amount or a typical mortgage payment on the home.

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