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A Log Home Story

Solving problems while maximizing valuesThis story has a few good lessons and observations that no doubt can be used by you to take advantage of hidden opportunities that often lie in plain view for all to see, however, most people have not been trained or instructed on how to recognize or find them.The following true story begins with a classic log home package, engineered, manufactured, approved and delivered for use in Alaska.

Stopping Home Foreclosure with Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy Will Stop Your Sale - At Least For NowFor $395, you can stop your sale- at least that is what the ads say. You are about to find out how bankruptcy can be good or very damaging.

How to Sell Your House by Lease Options

Many people buy a house then have to move within a few years, due to divorce, relocation or financial difficulties. Without any equity though, it can be nearly impossible to find buyers and you still have realtor fees to contend with.

Helpful Hints for First-Time Home Buyers

Buying a house can be a daunting task, even for someone who has owned several homes. My husband and I recently purchased our first home together, and it was hard to find good advice that we truly found useful.

Howard Stern is Hot in Real Estate

Howard Stern has over 20 property related files in Queens, 27 in Brooklyn and 1 in Manhattan. The files include mortgages, releases or satisfaction pieces, liens and powers of attorney.

Best Places to Retire

Places to Retire: Popular Doesn't Always Mean "Best"Las Vegas, Nevada; Phoenix and Yuma, Arizona; Las Cruces, New Mexico; and Ocala, Florida-just a few names that rank among America's most popular retirement destinations. Unfortunately, their popularity doesn't necessarily mean that they are especially appropriate choices for astute consumers.

Real Estate Lease Option Danger

Why are real estate investors having so much successoffering "rent to own" homes?Lease-options offer home ownership opportunitiesto folks with little cash and not so hot credit.Oh boy, there are plenty of those around.

Real Estate Investing - Basis Explained

Our complex IRS code requires that your, as a real estate investor,accurately calculate your "basis" in investment property when reportinga gain or loss on a tax return.Your monetary gain or loss when you sell investment property is determined by comparing the sale price to the adjusted basis in the property.

Landlording And Other Aggravations

Here's the gripping story..

The Real Estate Cycle

The real estate cycle, like the business cycle, refers to the activity of the real estate market as it reacts to the forces of supply and demand.Supply and demand.


Fixtures, related to real estate, are items that were originally personal property but are now attached to the property itself. This becomes the toughest issue when tenants attach fixtures to a property.

Buyers Closing Cost

Buyers, borrower, closing costs can be divided into two categories. Nonrecurring closing cost and recurring closing cost.


Foreclosure under a mortgage requires a court ordered sale conducted by the sheriff or other court-appointed official. Foreclosure process is called judicial foreclosure.

Building Your Dream Home - Part 1

For most of my adult life I had thought about someday building my Dream Home. Several years ago I finally got the chance.

Should I Invest in Real Estate While Running an Internet Business?

Of course you should. I practice this for quite a while and I never looked back.

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Vendor & Real Estate Partners  Dollar Tree, Inc.

America Builds: Making Federal Real Estate Work for the Taxpayer  The House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure

Godfrey - Home for sale

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