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How To Give Your Home A Face-Lift: The Sellers Guide To A Quick Sell

One of the great challenges to selling a home can be showing all of its space, decor and natural light potential. For example, every home has crowded closets and dead space.

How Long Your Mortgage Runs Determines How Much You Pay

The first thing most of us think about when the time comes to take out a mortgage on a new home is the interest rate.That's both perfectly natural and very sensible.

How to Choose the Proper Entity for Your Business

First, let me state that I'm not an attorney and the rest of this article is just based on my experiences so I'd advise you to contact John Hyre at www.realestatetaxlaw.

Negotiating and Sales Skills Are Critical

When I first started getting active in creative real estate, my skill set at negotiating was very weak. I had done the telemarketing thing for American Express as a financial planner and had studied and learned a few techniques.

Why Selling on Lease Options is Glorified Landlording

I might upset some folks with this one, but that's okay as I think it's important to get some of my experiences into the light of day. If you fully believe the hype that you won't have any landlording responsibilities by selling on a lease option, go ahead and stop here.

How Do I Bring Consulting Into My Lease Purchase Business

As you are making your cold calls on property, you will run into sellers that are having a hard time selling, however, the numbers just don't work for you to take on the deal. Do you just say, "I can't work with those numbers".

Encouraging Debt

Most of us don't talk about money, finances, credit, debt..

Mechanics Lien on Your House

In many places you can buy a house and a contractor can put a lien on it within 90 days of construction or delivery of materials. For example if a contractor fails to pay a subcontractor he/she can place a lien against your real estate.

Cheap Homes For Sale In Great Towns

Good Homes Under $50,000? My wife Ana and I found cheap homes for sale all over the country during a seven-week drive, and we even bought one along the way. It was in a pretty little town in the mountains of western Montana, and it cost us $17,500.

The Sadness of Old Buildings

From the book No Smooshing!For years, I've carried on a not-so-friendly debate with some of my artist friends from the West Coast about their ideas of what constitutes a good subject. We seem to be able to agree on certain things, like apples and oranges-and even certain landscapes.

Buying an Unfinished Home Maybe Your Answer

For the first time "want-to-be" homeowner, purchasing an unfinished new home maybe just the answer. With mortgage interest rates still at record lows, there has not been a better time to purchase a home in decades.

Why I Love Country Living

As somone who has lived in both places, I can tell you that country living certainly beats the hustle and bustle of city life! Living in a rural area has advantages that simply can't be bought at any price.In the city I was bombarded with the sounds of horns blowing and sirens blaring.

5 Things to Look for in a Property Appraiser

Homeowners who are seeking a property appraiser often ask "How should I choose which real estate appraiser to use?" When selecting a property appraiser, keep the following in mind:Always make sure a property appraiser is licensed or certified by the state to perform real estate appraisals. While state licensing and/or certification isn't always an indication of quality, it ensures that an individual is has met certain standards and been authorized to perform property appraisals.

Home Staging: How to Make Your Tract Home Stand Out in the Crowd

Home sellers who wish to market their property in development neighborhoods face tough challenges. All the houses look similar.

Home Hunting and the Internet

So, it's home hunting time. Where do you start? Who do you contact? Well, home hunting has been made much easier with the advent of the Internet.

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