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Finding Structural Problems During Escrow - Upscale Home Example

When buying and selling homes, the property purchase is often subject to a satisfactory home inspection being done. Now and then, a home inspection uncovers severe structural problems.

FSBO: For Sale By Owners Chapter One

She reached the phone on its second ring. "This is Tami!" She confidently answered.

FSBO: For Sale By Owners Chapter Two

Sheriff's Deputy Ted Rasmussen was thinking about Carrie-his pregnant waitress problem-when he sighted the traffic disruption meandering near the yellow line on Bay Street. A Bremerton merchant had called the Sheriff's emergency number reporting a wet morning commuter mess.

FSBO: For Sale By Owners Chapter IV [part 1]

Like a monarch, Red Haring reigned in the deep leather seat of his KenWorth cab-with its king-size sleeper. The 400 horsepower Caterpillar diesel engine droned apathetically as Red downshifted for the parking lot to his favorite Boise, Idaho roadside diner.

Homes For Sell By Owner - FSBOs and Buyer Brokers

You're selling your home as a FSBO (for sale by owner) and you get annoyed when real estate brokers call you, right? That's a reasonable response when you're doing all the work to market your property to save thousands of dollars in broker commissions. However, when a "buyer broker" calls, you might want to listen.

For Sale By Owner - Use This Tip To Sell Your Home Quicker and At a Better Price

Your house is for sale by owner (fsbo), Along with columns of countless other FSBO's in the Sunday paper. This one little trick will enable you to have your Ad Noticed by more potential buyers.

Your Home Equity Can Work for You

"Use your home's equity to pay off your debt. It's easy and simple, no closing costs!" Every time I turn on the television, commercials bombard me telling me to take out a home equity line of credit.

7 Different Ways Anyone Can Become a Real Estate Investor

Being a real estate investor is not really that hard, Sometimes you do not need any money down. Other times you do not need any of your own money down.

Housing Bubbles and You

Are we in a housing bubble? To answer that question first we need to understand what a housing bubble actually is. A housing bubble is what happens when the there is a significant rise in the market that is mostly due to the expectation that the prices will continue to rise.

The Echo Boomers - The Next Big Consumers

The Echo Boomers or Generation Y currently make up about one third of the US Population. Many of the Echo Boomers are starting to reach an age where they want and need things like, Houses, Cars, Insurance.

Choosing Your REALTOR ®

With so many realtors competing for your business, how do you know which one to choose? Here are a few things to consider when choosing a realtor.The most important decision you will make in the sale of your home is the Realtor you choose.

11 Different Ways to Participate in The New Millennium Real State Boom

Many parts of the country are going through a real estate boom. In recent reports real estate is showing double digit growth in many parts of the country.

Finding, Fixing, Financing, and Flipping - The Short Course

Most people get involved in Real Estate investing to make money.Pretty self-evident - or, is it?What would you say if I told you that everything you have been taught about Real Estate investing and making money "rehabbing" your real estate investments is wrong?Well, at least, much of it!Let's take a look at something that all too many people don't think about in their real estate investing - something that seems to be a secret formula to bringing in the most cash from your real estate investments.

Selling Your Own Home - Pet Issues

If you are selling you own home, you need to consider the effect of pets. People who are working with a real estate broker are sure to get coached about the potential negative effect of pets.

Selling Your House - $100,000 Pets

Is your pet worth $100,000? It may be if you don't make accommodations for it when selling your home.A Hundred Thousand Dollar Pet?A house I'd seen with a potential buyer in an attractive neighborhood built around two lakes sold for $100,000 less than was typical for the neighborhood.

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