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Real Estate Information

Real Estate, Real Property and Leased Land; Definitions, Discussion and Explanations

Delaware, and the rest of the original British Colonies, has some land that is leased rather than owned by the residents of that land. Much of it is not evident to the casual observer.

Tax Deferred Exchanges of Investment and Business Real Estate

The Primary Residence taxation, the Residential Replacement Rollover, Sec. 1034 exception is gone.

High Tension for the Buyer and Seller of Real Estate Can Be Reduced

Tensions can run high in both the selling and buying of real estate. After all, there is a lot of money and emotion involved! There are also time pressures and numerous privacy issues to deal with.

Legal Information About the Real Estate Contract

The conclusion of final agreement between a seller and a buyer is the Agreement of Purchase and Sale. We know it as the real estate contract.

Real Estate: Buyers Agent, Sellers Agent & Dual Agent (defined and explained)

There is a relatively new and not always well understood practice in Real Estate sales; it is called Buyer Agency or Buyer's Agent. Until recently Realtors and agents usually represented the seller, in opposition to the buyer, during the real estate transaction.

Landscaping Adds Great Value to Real Estate And Helps You Sell

Over the years several of our clients have had professional landscaping done and it's amazing to me how little landscaping, can be done for $5-10,000, by a professional Landscaper, and how little value it can add to your home.Small shrubs, trees, and plantings add almost nothing, or actually nothing at all, to your home value on the open market -- until they are several years older! There is another way!Some savvy investors look for good homes that are poorly landscaped and after spending a couple of thousand dollars or less put the property right back on the market for much more money and sell it.

Are You Profiting From O.P.P.?

Are you profiting from O.P.

The Many Ways To Profit From O.P.P.s Multiple Cash Streams

In a previous article we introduced you to the concept of O.P.

How Do You Profit From O.P.P.?

In a previous article we introduced you to the concept of O.P.

Lease Purchasing Is The Perfect Home-Based Business

Some call it the 30 second commute. We call it wonderful.

Buying Country Acreage and Rural Properties, To Buy or Not To Buy

Almost anyone can become a rural property owner; if you are willing to set goals, establish what your purposes are, plan ahead and set targets that are all aligned toward the same result. And, if you can be patient instead of requiring instant gratification.

The 21st Century Way To Build Equity

Here to stay and firmly established in the U.S.

Property Types A, B, C And D

One of the biggest problems individuals just starting out have is the type of property they look for, and working outside their immediate area. One of the constants around the country and for every state, is that there are the most desirable areas to live and the least desirable; and then those that fall in between.

The Psyche of The Seller and The Tenant Buyer

For those of you who were not psychology majors the "psyche" is someone's  mind. What motivates them.

Reprint Rights and How To Use Them To Generate A Steady Income

I can't emphasize enough how important it is to have a step by step guide for sellers and tenant buyers. However, many of you are missing out on other income streams that these step by step guides can generate.

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Real Estate Partners  Dollar Tree, Inc.

Vendor & Real Estate Partners  Dollar Tree, Inc.

America Builds: Making Federal Real Estate Work for the Taxpayer  The House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure

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