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Flat Fee MLS Listings - Is This The Future Of Real Estate

Realtors are all a buzz about this new form of listing houses on the MLS (multiple listing service). Some feel it creates more work for the buyers agent, while others see this as a way to tap into the For Sale By Owner market.

10 "No Money Down" Ways to Buy Real Estate

Turn the Television on any Sunday morning and you'll find yourself in the middle of a "how to buy real estate" infomercial. Can you really buy a house with no down payment? Can you really make thousands or millions of dollars buying real estate.

Look Past the Bottom Line for a Propertys Potential

It's unfortunate that many real estate investors tend to look at the bottom line when deliberating about a property, rather than the big picture. The real moneymakers in real estate investments are the people with vision, who think creatively, and are willing to assume some level of risk.

10 Tips for Investing in Distressed or Foreclosed Properties

1. Search on the world wide web for distressed or foreclosed properties as a starting point.

How to Research and Purchase a Good Investment Property

How much do you really know about investment property? Accurate research and professional expertise applied to the purchase of an investment property builds a solid foundation for financial success. You may want to work with a REALTOR who can help to identify the great opportunities in investment properties in the area of your choice.

Termite and Moisture Damage Not Reported

I have done so many appraisals where I saw obvious damage that was not reported by the other inspectors. The first couple of times I thought it was just carelessness.

Free Tips That Will Dramatically Increase the Selling Value Of Your House (Part 1)

Did you know that it's a proven fact that a properly maintained home sells substantially higher then a home that is dirty, depressed looking and clearly not maintained very well? When it comes to selling your house the statement "first impressions are the selling impression" couldn't be any more accurate. This article will highlight some quick tips that will increase the amount of money you can ask for you home when you're ready to sell it.

Dont Overpay for a House, Even in Todays Market

If there's one thing American investors love, it's an over-inflated market. Which is why they keep buying houses and new ones keep coming onto the market.

What Homeowners Should Know to Stop Foreclosure- Speaking Your Lenders Language

Financial literacy is the means of empowering consumers to make informed financial decisions through exposure to accurate and timely information. In no other area is the void of accurate information more evident that in the area of foreclosure.

Finding A Capable Agent To Meet Your Real Estate Needs

Whether you're a first-time buyer, selling your current home or relocating to a different part of the country, the support of a qualified, knowledgeable real estate agent can alleviate many of your concerns and ensure a smooth transaction. A professional agent can market your present residence, help you locate the home of your dreams and assist in making your transfer to an unfamiliar area easier.

How to Prepare Yourself for Owning a Dual Purpose Second Home

If you are thinking about buying a second home, you are not alone. A 1995 survey by the American Resort Development Association found that 60 percent of households surveyed feel they have a likely chance of purchasing a recreational property in the next ten years, a figure that rose 30% from the survey in 1990.

Conditions Are Right For Buying The Higher Priced Home You'Ve Always Wanted

Higher interest rates and home prices in the past have kept home owners from purchasing larger homes. The current real estate market conditions, however, are encouraging for many home owners who want to "buy up" to higher priced homes with more to offer.

What To Expect In Closing Costs On A Home Purchase

Many are taking advantage of this year's low mortgage rates to purchase a home. Pent up with excitement, many families, who have scrimped and saved for a down-payment, jump for joy when the mortgage lender finally approves their application.

Avoiding A Bad Investment Is Easier Than You Might Think

Human nature being what it is, none of us can get serious about the idea of buying a house without experiencing at least a few small twinges of worry. What we fear, of course, is making a mistake.

Working With Your Real Estate Attorney

Purchasing or selling a home will probably be one of your largest and most important financial transactions. Before signing a contract to purchase or sell a home, both buyer and seller should consult an attorney to assure that the real estate transaction will be handled legally and professionally.

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KKR Real Estate: Q3 Earnings Snapshot  San Francisco Chronicle

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