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7 Marketing Methods for Real Estate Coaches

You shower, shampoo, dress your best, check to see if you have plenty of business cards, drive about an hour, introduce yourself by saying "Hi, I'm Mary and I'm a coach" and the other person says, "Hi, I'm Jack and I'm a coach, too!". You meet more coaches than you knew existed.

I Believe God Wants Me To Tell All In Real Estate

After years of experience in the real estate industry I felt that God wanted me to write about everything in real estate. There were young people that were not being protected by anyone, including buyer's agents.

Home Owners: Disclose the Facts!

One of the most common causes for disputes occurring after the sale of a home arise from the buyer finding defects in the property, defects which were not disclosed to him by the owner before the sale of the property. If you are the owner of a home that you are looking to sell, please be aware that you may be held liable for not disclosing any known defects in your home.

What You Can Do To Sell Your Home Fast

Yes, you want to sell your home and you want to sell it fast. It may be a seller's market and every other home in your neighbourhood is selling and you think it's going to be a cakewalk selling your home.

How To Best Negotiate A House Deal

Whether it's selling your home or buying a home, more often than not you'll come across a stage where you'd have to negotiate. Negotiation is the art of getting what you want at your terms and conditions.

What to Look for in a Real Estate Agent

Real Estate Agents play an essential, critical role in the process of buying and selling a home. You just simply cannot afford to work with an agent that does not exhibit top-scale professional values.

Rehab Your Way to Wealth: The Quick Way to Fixer-Upper Success

Completely rebuilding a house is not necessary to make money in investment real estate. Most times, if you have bought smart, you won't have to make a huge improvements on your investment property.

Real Estate Investing By The Numbers

Just like most things real estate investing can be broken down into easy to learn step.Step One - Learn the basics:Ownership of real estate is evidenced by a valid deed.

Investor Banned From Offering Property For Rent

Do you realize that you might be prevented from renting your investment home? Prohibiting property owners from leasing their properties is a trend that is growing increasingly popular with some developers and many Homeowners' Associations (HOA).It's rare that you can buy a new home in a development that does have a HOA.

An Often Overlooked Secret of Marketing and Negotiating for Real Estate Investors Looking for Deals

When you call sellers, what do you say? When you sit down to write a marketing postcard to find deals, what do you write? When you go to negotiate price and terms, how do you present it?These are scary situations and it is not unusual to be at a loss for words at such times. In fact, you may avoid these situations all together just so you don't have to face the overwhelming fear.

Be Patient Screening Tenants

Rental real estate is a solid way to make money. I'm particularly fond of residential properties, because people have to live somewhere.

Buying Property in Bulgaria : How to Avoid Making A Bad Investment

Where is it possible to buy a property on your credit card? Bulgaria, of course! With thousands of potential property buyers seduced by Bulgaria's bargain property prices, the temptation is to think that making a solid return is a no-brainer! Searching the Internet, dozens of articles and property websites boast about the 100% capital growth that can be achieved on Bulgarian property investments in the space of 12 months.For first time investors with small budgets looking for a step onto the property ladder, this seems like an opportunity almost too good to be true! The result is that thousands of novice speculators and second homebuyers are flocking to Bulgaria to cash in on the investment opportunities it offers.

Crossing the Gap from this Home to the Next: Bridge Loan

So you're thinking of getting into a bigger house. You call up the real estate agent and make an appointment to go see what the market has to offer.

Hey Landlord! Is Your Lease Legal?

The longer you are a landlord the more you strive to create the perfect lease/rental agreement. Landlords learn in the school of hard-knocks that some tenants are certified trouble makers and we try our best to protect ourselves with a carefully structured restrictive lease.

Dont Get Stuck Having To Deal With The Sellers Household Hazardous Wastes - After You Move In!

I have a confession to make!I was just outside with Frankie (my dog) and noticed I stillhad an old car battery sitting by the foundation, at therear of my house.Yes, I'll admit it's not right, and quite environmentallyinsensitive for me to have it there.

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