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The New First Impression in Home Selling

As an ASP Home Stager® I know how important curb appeal can be in making that critical first impression when selling your home. However, with the growth of real estate advertising over the web, there is another first impression that you should consider when marketing your property.

Buying a House in Scotland

Buying a house in Scotland is slightly different from buying a house in other parts of the UK. It's not particularly complicated, and buying north of the border can often be quicker, but for those relocating from England and Wales there are a number of points you need to bear in mind.

Fixing Houses for Resale: Three Beginning Steps to Increase Profits and Have Fun

Real estate investors specializing in fixers make higher profits when they have a detailed work plan and know how to get around the future resale appraisal issues.Before you begin your fixer makeover, taking a few extra steps helps you make more money, avoid future appraisal pitfalls, and have more fun.

Basic Tips for First Time Home Buyers

Choosing a first home can be a daunting task, but following a few key steps makes it a lot less confusing.An essential part of the process for every home buyer is to simply do the math.

Homebuyer Heaven Can't Possibly Last

With interest rates at record lows over the past year, there's really only one way for them to go, the only question is when. Most experts agree that rates will remain fairly stable in the short term, at least until the end of the year, and some believe they will even decrease slightly.

Selling Your Property Without An Estate Agent

It is possible to save £1,000s selling your home privately and cutting out the estate agent, but what are the issues that you need to consider?Pricing the propertyPrice your property too low and you could short-change yourself from the true market value, price your property too high and you will simply put off potential buyers.Before you put your property on the market, you need to do some market research.

Avoid The Traps Of Finance

Most consumers are told where to get their mortgage because few people personally know and trust a mortgage or loan officer or correspondent (the same thing). It used to be agents would take their buyers out to find the house they wanted, then to their favorite mortgage company.

Big Discounts With Property Investment Clubs?

A stagnant stock market, low interest rates and booming property prices over recent years have lead to more and more personal investors deciding to join property investment clubs.Property investment clubs are organisations that either buy property in volume and resell it to their members at discount prices or negotiate the purchase of large numbers of properties from developers, again ensuring discounted prices.

New or Old House?

A lot of buyers think that a new house is the way to go but it's important to have some knowledge of quality and of the builder. New paint, carpet, doors, windows and cabinets are a quick and easy sell.

How Not To Blow Your Build Budget

Most people who complete a self build will go on to make a profit if they decide to sell afterwards, but what steps can you take to ensure that you don't totally blow the budget?There are lots of advantages to a totally unique self-build but most important is sound financial planning before and during the self-build, to ensure you stay within budget and make worthwhile savings.Research all your costs carefully and get as many perspectives and quotes as possible.

Is a Vacation Home Right for You?

Many of us dream about owning the vacation home in the Mountains, or on the Lake or Ocean. A place where one can retreat periodically from the hustle-bustle of everyday life.

Should You Buy Real Estate Now

I have been seeing the market on fire for a long time and have started telling my friends, "don't buy now". No one can accurately determine exactly when it will happen, but it is definately on the way.

Staging Homes for Top-Dollar Sales

Wouldn't it be nice to have Roger Hazard's design team from "Sell This House" come visit for a weekend?Many "redecorators" and designers offer "Staging Homes" services from $250 to $5,000. These services usually give good advice, some help with the actual work involved, and others even move in new furniture for you.

Real Estate Bankruptcy

Although real estate bankruptcy cases no longer dominate the bankruptcy courts' dockets as they did in the early nineties, but they continue to be filed with great frequency in UK. At its essence, the real estate bankruptcy is a two party dispute between mortgagee and mortgagor.

How To Negotiate A Higher Price For Your House

Negotiation is where many FSBO home sellers really have problems. The wrong attitude or a slip of the tongue could cost you thousands.

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Buttoned-up real estate exec goes all out for Halloween   The Atlanta Journal Constitution

U.S. Mortgage Rates Continue to Rise, Again  The World Property Journal

KKR Real Estate: Q3 Earnings Snapshot  San Antonio Express-News

Radio Real Estate 10/19/24  My Bellingham Now

European P2P real estate yields average 10pc  Alternative Credit Investor

KKR Real Estate: Q3 Earnings Snapshot  San Francisco Chronicle

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