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Home Equity or Debt Trap?

Are you using the equity from your home to purchase everyday things? This is a dangerous trend growing more popular every month as millions of Americans tap into the value of their home to fund a lifestyle.How many times have you heard the saying "Your home is the best investment you'll ever make"? How many times have you also heard that your home will be the most valuable asset you will ever own?Both of these are as true, if not truer, today than at any time in the past.

Essential Buyer's Guide for Overseas Real Estate

It's been said many a time that overseas real estate buyers leave their brain on the plane when they step out into the sun in their overseas destination of choice. They've already fallen in love with the country, its people, climate and lifestyle and they've come to snap up that dream home.

Cutting Edge Real Estate: Is There Anything New? Part 1

The world of real estate has pretty much stayed the same for decades. It's no different today than it was 50 years ago.

Sell Your Home Without a Realtor and Save Thousand$$$

A typical real estate commission on a $234,000 home (national median price for all existing homes as of July 2005) is over $16,000. In many areas the cut a real estate broker gets is much higher.

How to Find and Buy a Bargain House with Little or No-Money Down

Real estate investors know how to make money buying distressed houses. Investors recognize that bargain houses offer the best way to make a return quickly.

Do You Know What Design/Construct (or Design/Build ) Means? I Think You Should!

These real questions on 'How To' build are answered by a US Master Builder and myself from the development viewpoint, after I received them from readers of my e-book, "Residential Development Made Easy."Question 1.

The Letting Agents Role

Letting agents play an important role in the buy-to-let industry and a good agent can help make or break your lettings experience. So what should you expect from your letting agent?Professional reputationTo attract good tenants, the agent needs to be well established in the local area and have a good reputation.

Selling Houses with Curb Appeal and Design Psychology

Curb appeal is the most important challenge you'll face when selling your home. You must make home shoppers feel like getting out of their car to see what's behind the front door.

Mortgage Broker Training: How to Secure Loyalty From Realtors

So you've just returned to your office after delivering an Oscar worthy presentation to a real estate agent. They're impressed and ready to do business with you.

Loan Officer Training: Learn How To Shape Realtors Perceptions

In medicine, a placebo is a pill that you think will make you better, and so it does. In your business, a placebo is a prospect having the experiences they expect to have, and so they have them.

Property Investing

Wrapping a property is a simple concept that can create passive income for you and will give the purchaser a chance to buy a property which would have otherwise been out of reach at that time. However, there are a few things you must know before you jump in and trip up on some of the technicalities.

The Perils of the Property Ladder: Has Anyone Noticed the Silence?

There was a time when every conversation was focussed on property and every other TV programme was about property makeovers. Everybody wanted to get into property and those already on the ladder seemed fixated on becoming wealthy overnight.

3 Tips to Help You Sell Your Timeshare - For More

The values of timeshares are constantly changing. There are numerous timeshare-selling companies arriving every day.

Seven Tips in Choosing Maui Income Properties

Aloha! If you are interested in choosing a Maui incomeproperty, then there are some details that you should know.You might be a bit intimidated by the whole process ofbuying a home.

Buying a Vacation Home

You'd like to buy a vacation home, but you're not sure where to begin. Perhaps the single most important point to determine up front is why you are buying a vacation home.

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