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Real Estate: Financial Considerations $$$

Raw land as opposed to improved property is much more difficult to finance through traditional lenders. The main reasons are that it generates very little income, development costs can be expensive, there are no buildings or improvements that can be used as collateral, and it is often considered speculative.

Making a First Impression When Selling Your Home

So you've decided to take advantage of the booming real estate market and put your house up for sale. As you know, buying a house is the most important purchase a consumer can make.

5 Factors of Selling a Home

There are five major factors to consider when selling a home. These factors will greatly influence not only the final price you will get for the property, but also how quickly it will sell and how much grief you will suffer through the sale.

Should You Buy a House or a Condo?

A big debate these days is whether or not to buy a house, or buy a condo. Most of this debate comes from a lack of understanding about condos, and what they are.

When is the Best Time to Move?

As Realtors, we are often asked, "When is the best season to move?" This is a tough question, one we cannot answer for you. Most people are asking about price, do they fluctuate throughout the year? NO.

Top 7 Reasons Why FSBOs Fail To Sell Their Home On Their Own!

In the United States, less than 10% of all For Sale by Owners (FSBOs), are successful in selling their home by themselves. That*s because most people just give up because they don*t realize from the beginning the difficulty and complexity of the job ahead.

Customer Service - The Real Estate Revolution

Traditionally, real estate has been viewed as a sales industry. But perceptions are changing.

Why Use a Property Manager?

Most experienced property investors use property managers. Why? Because they make you money.

No More Estate Agent Fees

Follow a few simple guidelines, and marketing your own home can be easy. And it will save you thousands.

Before You Buy A House - Top 10 Tips

There are serveral things you need to think about and check on before you buy a house. Even looking at so many houses can be confusing.

Grab Your Dream UK Home On The Cheap - Property Auctions

Did you know that every year thousands of UK properties are sold at significantly below market value? The majority of these properties are released through property auctions where regular savings of between 10% to 40% are available to market value. Even so, property auctions continue to be used only by the elite and for the astute buyer/investor this generates a fantastic opportunity to secure a dream home/good investment at bargain basement prices.

Choosing a Residential Lot

Finding a lotPlanning for your new home is a very involved process. You might want to get right down to selecting a set of house plans but don't get into a hurry.

How to Sell Your House For Full Price

Many people believe that a real estate broker is needed to sell their house. So they post it with a broker who may or may not sell it and if they do charge exorbitant fees.

Forclosure And The Durrett Rule

It's probably happened to you..

Grab Quick Profits As Real Estate Prices Soar

Real estate values rise and fall in cycles. Currentlyhome prices are nearing a top in many areas.

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