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FSBO - How to Prepare Your House to Sell

Did you hear that? Prices of houses in Phoenix have been jumping 5% each month for 2005 according to market experts! Some even predict that the price of housing could jump an additional 10% for the upcoming year. The shortage of houses for sales and the still relatively low interest prices are causing the price of homes not just here in Phoenix but nationwide to escalate.

A Simple Step by Step Aproach to Fail Your Way to a Million Dollars

If You want to be Financially Successful you need to Learn to FailAt a Robert Allen Seminar he said the difference between successful people and unsuccessful people (Financially Successful) is that Successful know how to fail. He went own to say that in order to be successful you need to learn to fail, Unsuccessful people fail to get that 9-5 Job that pays $25,000 to maybe $90,000 a year and when they finally succeed what do they have a 9-5 Job.

Buying a Home - Dealing With Lender Letters

Most people who set out to buy a home, be it house, townhouse, condo, apartment, or mansion on a hill, know they need to have a lender letter in hand saying they are qualified for a loan. What most "civilians" (people not in the real estate business) don't realize is how much the value of a lender letter varies.

Real Estate Investing: Beware of Subject To Promises

Another real estate writer's mini course, full of promises and fluff, ended with a "lesson" on why you need to buy his book so you can finance multiple properties "subject to." The reason, he said, "because banks won't let you finance more than ten mortgages.

Selling Your Home? A Warning About Attachments

Before you list you home for sale, determine what you don't want to leave behind.Our friends sold their home for full price and moved out a few days before closing.

4 Dangers In Flipping Real Estate

If you have recently purchased some real estate for investment purposes, you are in good company. Recent reports suggest that as many as 25% of these purchases are made by those who plan on using the property for investment purposes only.

Buying Foreclosures - Knowing Why Helps You Buy

One big potential deal-killer in buying foreclosures is the homeowner. If the homeowner does not trust you, buying their home (even at a foreclosure auction) can become a greater challenge.

How Home Buyer Rebates Work

In today's tight housing market, many buyers are looking for ways to stretch their dollars far enough to make that dream home a reality. One little-known strategy that's gaining popularity with consumers is the home buyer rebate.

What is a Home Inspection?

Any Sally and Sam Homebuyer can look at a home and decide whether it is attractive. They might notice it is freshly painted in pleasing colors, has the requisite number of rooms, a cook's kitchen and is located in a location with top schools.

Buying a Home -- Is a Home Inspection a Good Idea?

To avoid "buying a pig in a poke," buyers have long demanded the closing on a home purchase be contingent upon a satisfactory inspection by a home inspection firm. In many parts of our country, we're now experiencing a strong sellers' real estate market and sellers often receive more than one purchase offer on the same day for their home.

Small Town Stone House with a Long History

As a native Midwesterner, the first thing I noticed when moving to the Delaware Valley was the enormous number of fieldstone houses. Frankly, I'd never seen such a thing.

The Best Way To Get Real Estate Listings

The Real Estate Industry is HUGE and is a golden opportunity for real estate agents. National average home sales exceed $200,000.

How to Use Color Psychology to Prepare Your Home for a Top-Dollar Sale (Part 1)

You've decided to prepare your home for sale. Whether you sell by owner or hire a real estate agent, you want to get as much money as possible without spending your profits.

Flipping Houses for Gold: Three Tips to Help You Find the Perfect Fixer

Many real estate investors enjoy "flipping houses," or buying and selling houses quickly for profit. Not all flips are fixers.

How to Afford Your Dream Home

Is it your dream to one day own a holiday home in the sun; a beautiful house where you can escape, relax and be free of the worries that seem to go hand in hand with every day life?Well, you're not alone!A recent survey by a well known mortgage lender in the UK revealed that up to one in three Britons not only dream about owning a home in the sun but fully intend to make that dream a reality some day. And in the US the number of Americans planning to one day buy that ideal second home haven is now up to three in ten people.

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Buttoned-up real estate exec goes all out for Halloween   The Atlanta Journal Constitution

U.S. Mortgage Rates Continue to Rise, Again  The World Property Journal

KKR Real Estate: Q3 Earnings Snapshot  San Antonio Express-News

Radio Real Estate 10/19/24  My Bellingham Now

European P2P real estate yields average 10pc  Alternative Credit Investor

KKR Real Estate: Q3 Earnings Snapshot  San Francisco Chronicle

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